Peut-on concevoir une expérience utilisateur mémorable à partir d’un contenu inefficace? La réponse est inévitablement « non ».

Si la stratégie de contenu vise à créer du contenu pertinent, utile et engageant, il est primordial que les professionnels du UX s’y intéressent et soient impliqués dans le processus. Mais comment peut-on lier efficacement la stratégie de contenu et design UX?

À ce sujet, TLMUX a le plaisir d’inviter Kristina Mausser, copropriétaire de Kina’ole et Alaine MacKenzie, stratège de contenu chez Shopify.


936 avenue Mont-Royal Est
A proximité du Métro Mont-Royal

Inscriptions: 10 novembre à partir de midi.

Eventbrite – L’expérience Utilisateur et l’importance de la stratégie de contenus

Eventbrite - Tout le monde UX - Stratégie de contenu

Content Strategy in Canada

Seven years after the term “content strategy” was popularized, the discipline and practice has grown exponentially into a cornerstone of communications and marketing efforts around the globe. But where does Canada’s efforts sit relative to the world stage?

Join one of Canada’s content strategy pioneers, Kris Mausser, as she explores content strategy through the lens of our own country.

  • How we view content strategy
  • What content strategy looks like today from coast to coast to coast, and
  • How content strategists and UX designers around the world can learn a lot from Canadian practitioners when it comes to planning, managing and creating multilingual content.


Kristina Mausser

Kristina is the President and Director of Content Strategy at Kina’ole Inc., a Canadian-based management consulting company that seeks to improve omni-channel customer experiences through user-centred, digital-first solutions. Her work includes projects for top brands including GE Capital, PepsiCo, Saks Fifth Avenue, Sephora and Microsoft. Kris’s expertise in content strategy and user experience have made her a popular speaker at events around the world including Mexico, Jamaica, the US, and Europe.

Building a content-first UX practice at Shopify

Content is the most important part of a product’s user experience. So why are so many UX teams still missing out on content strategy?

That’s what we wanted to know at Shopify. So we started a content strategy team. Find out what worked for us, what failed miserably, and what happened in between. You’ll learn why your UX team needs dedicated content strategists, and how to integrate content strategy into the processes you already have.


Alaine Mackenzie
Senior Content Strategy Lead at Shopify

At Shopify, Alaine is building a team of product content strategists to make commerce better for everyone (and yes, she’s hiring). Before that, Alaine was an enterprise web content strategist in Vancouver, where she helped her public sector clients wrangle big content problems across even bigger teams. A long time ago she was a designer, until she realized that she liked writing words more than typesetting them.

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